About Mike Squires

Mike Squires is vice president, strategic development and public policy, for  BluePrint Healthcare IT, and publishes the e-Healthcare Marketing blog as an independent Web site. Squires has returned full time to BluePrint in July 2012 after 16 months commuting many days to the State House in Trenton, NJ, where he served as Communications and Outreach lead as well as senior advisor for the Office of New Jersey Health IT Coordinator.

Squires is an e-Healthcare Marketing, Strategic Development, and Public Policy executive with 14 years focused on e-Healthcare initiatives that help healthcare systems and physicians change the way they work to deliver better patient care. Squires is leading marketing and outreach to hospitals, healthcare organizations, and health information exchanges that have strong needs for the security, privacy, and compliance risk management programs developed by BluePrint Healthcare IT. Squires helped position Medscape as the market leader to the industry and accelerate  e-product offerings of Elsevier’s International Medical News Group (publisher of 18 physician specialty newspapers) and F-D-C Reports (publisher of The Pink Sheet and The Gray Sheet). Mike is experienced in introducing new digital products to physicians, healthcare professionals, and the pharmaceutical and medical device industries with innovative sales and marketing strategies at start-up and traditional healthcare publishers. He has directed marketing, sales, client relations, sales support, and implementation of medical education and promotion programs.

Contact: mike.squires@blueprinthit.com

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